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Requirements to Join: Judged on a player by player basis but 200 stars and 3* Specialist




-Clan war and both attacks are mandatory; no tolerance for missed attacks.


-Attack plans/drawings must be posted in the main groupme channel before going in. We recommend the app skitch.

-Both heroes must be up in order to war.

-No gowipe/wiwi


-Regular and correct donations.

-Active chat presence.

-No cheating of any kind.



Last 10 attacks of every war are openly discussed and coordinated in game.

Follow directions from leaders.

Walls and Heroes have upgrade priority.


Join our groupme channel as well as forums before you are able to war.



First Attacks: Are reserved on our forums and good for 10 hours into war. Must be a 3 star attempt. Attacking a base that you have no chance of 3-starring, even with a decent army, constitutes a loot grab which results in a kick. Failing to use a strong army composition also constitutes a loot grab. Attacking a base that is too weak for your troop levels is unacceptable. Exceptions to this are TH10s, who will make either their best 2-star attempt on a TH10 or 3-star on a TH9.


Attacking correct enemy targets is crucial so make no mistakes.

If there are no fair 3-star attempt bases left for you to hit ask leadership if you should use your attack to scout or practice on an already 3 starred base.



Second attacks: Are used for cleaning up 0-2 starred bases or unreserved bases. Cleanup reservations are made in our clean up calls groupme channel and are good for 3 hours. Leaders may also assign you to a different target if your attack falls within the last 10 of each war.



War Bases/War CCs: Must be approved by the leadership. If you change your base, notify the leadership so that another review may be conducted. Players may request specific troops for their war cc’s; however, leadership may decide to use certain or test strategies depending on opponents.




Coleaders have assigned roles and carry out specific responsibilities:



Recruiting Leader: Is responsible for keeping up or posting new main recruitment threads on the supercell forums/other clash mediums and actively pursuing individuals in the looking for clan sub form section. Also sending potentials to 1.0 and helping new members follow the rules in order to war.



Base Weights Leader: Keeps player base weights up to date on the D.W.A. master weight list sheet weekly. More frequently checks and updates before D.W.A. events or arranged wars.



Arranged Wars Leader: Organizes and arranges wars with other clans.



Youtube Leader: Records and showcases attacks from the clan. Plays an active role in helping spread our awesome attacks.



Player Statistics Leader: Keeps an up to date log of individual player’s performance over time.



D.W.A. Representative: Actively keeps tabs on D.W.A.’s information/events and plays an active role within the D.W.A. community.



Kaizen Leader: Kaizen stands for “continuous improvement”. Always looks for and suggests ways of improving efficiency or performance from inside and outside the clan.



Common Coleader Responsibilities: Ensures war ccs and regular donations are full by either helping themselves or asking others. Keeps reservation list on forums up to date and posts a picture to the cleanup channel of the list at the beginning of each war if needed. Assigns or coordinates last 10 attacks each war. Starts war search, benching or kicking missed attacks. Plays an active role in helping others improve.



Elders are top 5 performing players rotated every week or two based off player performance statistics. Coleaders & Alts are exempt from this.



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